IVF Journey #1: Diana is pregnant thru IVF! Part 3/3

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After 3 months of preparation, Diana made the appointment with the doctor to go for embryo transfer. The whole preparation took about one and half month which some weeks were filled with hormone pills to time the embryo transfer date and prepare the womb to get ready to achieve the little live inside.

The embryo transfer day was nothing much like the IUI time. Smooth, painless, and yes, literally no feeling at all. Diana was expecting to have at least some flutters in her belly, but it was totally nothing. No feeling at all. Diana was required to return to the centre to do blood test know as beta HCG 2 weeks later so see if she were pregnant. It was definitely going to be the most difficult time to endure. Who would not be anxious? 2 weeks felt like 2 decades. And in between, there was nothing you could do except be hopeful, pray, live your life normally and big four letters, WAIT.

During the two week wait, Diana experiences some spotting and that was very depressing. On the flip side, Diana believed something must have formed in her belly or otherwise it would not bleed. But could the spotting was sending an alarm. Diana chose to believe the doctor. To take good rest, be positive, and mindful with healthy lifestyle.

14 days later, it was like a Cinderella story for Diana and Johnny as true enough her beta HCG level was 110 and yes, their IVF attempt was successful. DIANA IS OFFICIALLY PREGNANT with the help of IVF!.

All the hard works were paid off and it was all worth it. They wouldn’t have it today if they did not take that leap of faith to try and to persevere in the whole journey.

If you are also contemplating to start on your fertility journey, you will only get the answer on the day you embark on it. Nothing can be more assuring than to take your first leap of faith. Visit your fertility clinic and talk to their IVF doctor for more details.

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